What are the advantages of smoking outdoor cannabis?

A lot of cannabis consumers around the world have no clue what they are smoking. Prohibition and the subsequent black market create a “you get what you get” mentality that is passed on from distributors to consumers, and the result is the end user having no idea where their product came from, or what methods were used to cultivate it. Here in Oregon, we are fortunate to have a mature legalized market that allows for both medical and recreational cannabis to be sold in dispensaries, and adults over 21 are permitted to cultivate their own limited number of plants. With a robust market such as ours, there are many different cultivation methods used to produce cannabis, including indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse growing practices. While each method certainly comes with it’s pros and cons, there is a large constituency of people who believe outdoor, also referred to as sun grown, is the superior method of cultivation for a number of reasons.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact Of Outdoor Cannabis

Like all plants, cannabis needs light to grow, and growing indoors requires a tremendous amount of energy to power lighting and climate control systems. In 2011 a study concluded that 1% of the nations power is being used to grow indoor cannabis. As more states come online for recreational sales, this number will only increase. To put that in perspective, the estimated emissions from growing an ounce of cannabis is about the same as burning 7-16 gallons of fuel in your car. Every joint smoked is like leaving a 100 watt light bulb on for 17 hours. Conversely, using the power of the sun to grow cannabis eliminates (or greatly reduces) the need for artificial lighting and climate control. Additionally from a pest management perspective, it’s more viable for outdoor growers to use organic or natural methods such as beneficial insects as opposed to sprays and chemicals frequently found in indoor gardens. Reduced power use and the ability to avoid harmful chemical inputs drastically reduces the carbon footprint of outdoor flower compared to indoor, making it a much more sustainable and scalable option for the future of mass cannabis production and consumption.

Cannabinoid and Terpene Potency Of Sun Grown Flower

While conservation of energy is critical, using the sun as the primary light source for growing cannabis has other benefits too. While lighting technology continues to advance, there is no artificial light that can truly replicate the complete spectrum found in sunlight. Full spectrum sunlight has the ability to encourage rare cannabinoids and terpenes in mature plants which leads to increased flavor and potency. Similar to organic fruits and vegetables that are known to be more nutritious and better tasting than lab grown produce, side by side studies have shown that effectively cultivated outdoor flower will contain higher terpene and cannabinoid content than it’s indoor counterpart. Properly done sun flower is allowed to reach its full genetic potential in a natural setting, without the limitations of artificial light.

Consumer Value OF OUTDOOR Flower Vs. Indoor

With legalization, cannabis prices have certainly come down over the last decade, but daily use can nonetheless become quite expensive. As mentioned before, one of the most expensive costs of indoor cultivation is electricity, a cost that is passed along at the wholesale level, and also to the end consumer buying at the retail level. 

Outdoor flower however, does not require large amounts of electricity, making it significantly cheaper to produce, and thus significantly less expensive for consumers. On average outdoor flower costs about 30-50% of the price of similarly potent indoor flower. If you’re looking for bang for your buck, outdoor flower is the only way to go. Here in Portland, the land of cheap ounces for less than $100, there’s a good chance you’ve come across some excellent outdoor buds without even knowing it. Despite the price difference, many consumers without a trained eye can’t tell the difference between sun grown cannabis and it’s more expensive indoor counterpart. 

Why do some people prefer indoor cannabis?

It’s no secret that many people think indoor flower is better, and they have their reasons. Most of the rumors about indoor cannabis being superior in terms of quality or potency have been debunked in recent years, but many would still agree that it does have more visual appeal. Indoor cannabis is not subject to harsh weathering and exposure, leaving the buds in pristine condition and fun to look at. There is also less likelihood of external pollination which can cause seeded buds. With all of this in mind, some would argue that indoor cannabis offers a more convenient smoking experience, but it certainly comes at a cost.


When deciding between indoor and outdoor flower, it’s impossible to say which is “better,” it ultimately comes down to what’s most important to you as a consumer. The allure and convenience of beautifully cultivated indoor cannabis is certainly understandable, but for those who are most concerned with the environmental impact of the products they consume, or those seeking the best value for their purchase in terms of price and cannabinoid/terpene prevalence, outdoor cannabis is a great option. If you haven’t tried it, you could be missing out on what many would say is in fact, the way nature intended the plant to be grown and consumed. Head to a local recreational dispensary and be sure to ask your bud tender about some of their favorite outdoor strains.


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